Is consistency important in life? Is having a clear sense of direction in life important? Are vague ideas worthless? These are few questions that have been debated over several drink session throughout my college days. There have been many who believed consistency, crystal clear purpose and clarity in thoughts are essential and then there are few like me who have debated that these aren’t necessary. Every time we used to run out of liquor and thus energy to argue and capacity to generate more creative arguments, that’s why a conclusion was never arrived on this subject.
Few weeks back I drove to Bangalore and met up with one of my pals who used to be on other side of the argument and still is. Over a beer, unknowingly, we were again where we left it in college days. None of us have changed the sides, there were just more creative arguments, life’s experiences to supplement our points and a little more patience to listen others idea with a sense of openness and maturity. This time we were short on time and fully aware that few subjects are never to be concluded and probably its better that way.
Driving my way back to Chennai, I reflected on times gone by and times ahead of me. More I thought more I was convinced that consistency isn’t important. Take for example people, one of the most amazing creations of god but extremely inconsistent (i.e. heterogeneous bunch). Have you ever met two identical folks? I haven’t and I know I will never. My point is if you become consistent then where’s the fun, everyone knows how to get around you. If you have had a track record of changing course of your life every few years towards things you never imagined, you will agree crystal clear sense of direction is a myth. My vague ideas are always my source of inspirations and keep me going.
There are occasions when I am lost because I have no clue where I will be few months down the line. However few months down the line I do find myself at point which is far better than what I would have expected or pushed myself for in case I would have been clear. I am once again at that juncture where there is vagueness for the time ahead. Lot of uncertainties and changes ahead and I am looking in future with vagueness but excitement and I am sure I won’t be wrong. Cheers to times ahead. :)