Sunday, May 28, 2006

Back in Battlefield

I was on a reasonably long vacation and returned two weeks back. I was holidaying in remote sandy corners of Rajasthan. Obviously that doesn’t sound such an exotic or great idea about vacations in peak summer but it was fun. I guess the vacation was necessary to get over few of the things those I had running through my head for a long long time. I thought I succeeded a bit in doing that. On second thought, may be not. What the heck, why am I such a spineless stupid?

1 comment:

Mayuri said...

hi Mahesh..i've often asked myself that..when faced with a problem, how come i dont fight it, am i spineless? one day i posed this question to a friend, and she said, 'most people who are in pursuit of a goal, say knowledge, will not be the ones to just fight for the heck of it, they are likely to deal with problems in a different way.' i dont know if she was trying to make me feel good or what, but it did seem true. if one is focused on one's job because one likes it, then no matter what challenges arise, one tends not to fight them in the typical confrontational way, but to be patient and work on them, to solve them objectively.

i dont know if i made sense there, but lets keep talkin! ;)
