Monday, June 19, 2006

In the circle of life, don't run, life catches up...

Ever thought about a circle? No, I am not kidding; however, I do realize that it takes lots of beer to get to that kind of thought process (for me it was four). Coming back to my circle, isn’t life a circle? Two things about a circle; first, you go around a time or two just to waste your time and realize that you are back to where you started from, second and more interesting aspect is that when you are back to where you started from, you are never on the same side; you are now facing to what you were showing your back. Isn’t that life? You conveniently turn your back on things you want to put behind and start walking away with a hope that every step is taking you far from those unpleasant realities. However, life standing still where you turned your back at it smiles at you. You pace up to get away, more you pace up shorter it takes to get back, and eventually on one turn you realize something familiar is around the corner. “Welcome buddy, how have you been? You came back pretty fast, huh” grins familiarity. You are facing what you avoided, life catches up, and it does almost all the time. Cheers, ;-)


Mayuri said...

hi Mahesh!

You are right about Johnny Depp! ;) As for your post here, its pretty insightful. Makes total sense! Life IS a circle! :D

SSDD my friend! :)


CreeK said...

that is a nice post...nice analogy.
ever heard of a mobius strip ? thats more like what you are describing :-)

CreeK said...

Ah, you should do a quick google image search and look up what mobius strip is, then ! i am sure, you will be pleasantly surprised.